A Million Miles with Kim

Picture collage A million Miles with kim

Welcome! I’m Kim.

Ordinary person on my own health journey. I’m an author who started #WalkingAndWriting my way toward my deadlines to get myself moving. (And I *might* be a little obsessed with The Conqueror Virtual Challenges. Just sayin’.)
The A million miles story

Come along with us
Walk, Run, Swim, Bike, Row, Crawl, Dance
all the way to A Million Miles

Miles Leaderboard

  1. Jodi Moore 7,147
  2. Kim Woodhouse 5,529
  3. Lori Brans 3,213
  4. Kathleen Clark 2,948
  5. Taylor 2,408
Full Leaderboard
Members List
*Always consult your physician before starting any exercise or eating program
shoe Kimberly Woodhouse a million miles with kim
The Mission
The mission of #AMillionMilesWithKim is to form a community on a journey to health. We all know that a health journey is lifelong. It can’t be accomplished overnight. And when one of us falls down in the mud puddle, we want to be there to help each other up. The goal? A million miles together.
Total Miles:
/ 1,000,000

Join the Community!

Post to your favorite social network using the hashtag #aMillionMilesWithKim or #WritingAndWalking. You’re not in this alone!

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*Always consult your physician before starting any exercise or eating program